Through this week class, Ray gave many suggestions to us for the topic of our zine. As I mentioned in the last blog, my zine is about showing a Chinese style wedding to emphasize the love and happiness between the bride and groom. It also displays some Chinese cultural elements and includes Chinese parents’ reaction when their child gets married.
This wedding was held in 2018. Both the bride and groom are my middle school classmates. Can you imagine that they have already been together for more than 15 years at the age of 27? How difficult it is for a relationship for the last 15 years which pass their youth and become adults. They have spent so many happy and sad moments together and finally get married. For sure, those moments will be very treasured in their memory. I am so delighted that I could witness their relationship development from classmates to be husband and wife.
For a my-hometown-style wedding, a groom usually goes to the bride’s home to fetch the bride in the morning. On that wedding day morning, we wore a Chinese traditional groomsman costume and went to the bride’s house with the groom.
There were many games that bridesmaids generated for us as groomsmen. We needed to pass their games so that the groom could fetch his bride.
This is all I did for the first part of fetching the bride in my zine this week. I will share and post more details in my upcoming blog.